Minor in German Language & Literature

The Schoenfeld Award recognizes graduating students in the minor for excellence in German studies.

The 34-credit German minor guides students from introductory through advanced language courses and readings, preparing them for conversational and written German. Classwork draws on a variety of eras and formats, including German newspapers, classic novels and historical sources.

Core Components

The German minor consists of three core components:

  • Language Proficiency: Students must demonstrate third-year proficiency in German. This can be accomplished by taking GER 1001-1004 as well as GER 2009-2010, placing into the advanced level on the placement exam or transferring credit from the Advanced Placement exam. Minors can also take the intensive track (GER 1005 and GER 1006), which covers GER 1001 through GER 1004 in only two semesters.
  • German Literature, Language or Culture (6 credit hours)
  • Advanced German Literature and Culture (6 credit hours)

See Course Requirements for details.

Course Requirements

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The following requirements must be fulfilled: 34 credits, including 28 credits in required courses and 6 credits in elective courses.

One of the following options:
Option A:
GER 1001First-Year German I
GER 1002First-Year German II
GER 1003Second-Year German I
GER 1004Second-Year German II
Option B
GER 1005Intensive Beginning German I
GER 1006Intensive Beginning German II
One of the following:
GER 2009
GER 2010
Intermediate German I
and Intermediate German II
GER 2101
GER 2102
Readings in Contemporary German I
and Readings in Contemporary German II
One of the following:
GER 2091
GER 2092
Introduction to German Literature—in English I
and Introduction to German Literature—in English II
GER 2109
GER 2110
Advanced Conversation and Composition
and Germany in the Age of Globalization
GER 2161
GER 2162
German Culture–in English I
and German Culture–in English II
Two additional upper-level German (GER) courses excluding:
GER 2101Readings in Contemporary German I
GER 2102Readings in Contemporary German II