The Portuguese Language and Lusophone Cultures program in GW’s Romance, German and Slavic Studies Department incorporates the language and culture of Lusophone people, or Portuguese speakers. We do not offer a degree program in Portuguese, but students can choose from courses ranging from basic through advanced levels, with additional specialized options for heritage and Spanish speakers.
Career Opportunities for Portuguese Speakers
As the fifth-most spoken European language in the world, with more than 340 million speakers across all five continents, Portuguese is an excellent stepping stone for careers in education, social services, translation, business, media, nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations, law, politics and more. Potential career paths include:
- The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund: Both global organizations often list jobs that require proficiency in Portuguese.
- The European Union: Portuguese is one of the official languages of the European Union. Knowledge of Portuguese, together with English and French, will make candidates highly marketable in any of the European Union offices throughout Europe.
- Consulates and embassies: Eight Lusophone countries have consulates and embassies in the United States.
- The United Nations: The UN headquarters is located in New York City, but the organization posts job listings around the world that require Portuguese speakers.
- U.S. government: Trained Portuguese speakers are highly sought after domestically and abroad, particularly in the Lusophone countries of Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Brazil and Macau.
- Business: As a relatively rare skill among Americans, Portuguese language proficiency is highly valued by many businesses.
Portuguese Resources
- A Lingua Portugesa
- Priberam Informatica (Online Portuguese Dictionary)
- Instituto Camões
- Universidade de Lisboa — Faculdade de Letras, Lisboa, Portugal
- Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal
- Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Açores, Portugal
- Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal
- Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
- Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
- Instituto Piaget Portugal: Lisboa and other campuses
- Universidade Agostinho Neto, Luanda, Angola
- Universidade Metodista de Angola, Luanda, Angola
- Instituto Superior Privado de Angola (ISPRA)
- Universidade Jean Piaget de Angola, Luanda, Angola
- Universidade Jean Piaget de Angola, Benguela, Angola
- Universidade Independente de Angola, Luanda, Angola
- Universidade Técnica de Angola, Luanda, Angola
- Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Moçambique
Cape Verde
- Universidade de Cabo Verde – Uni-CV
- Reitoria da Universidade de Cabo Verde - Uni-CV
- Instituto Superior de Educação – ISE
- Instituto Superior de Engenharia e Ciências do Mar – ISECMAR
- Instituto Nacional de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Agrário – INIDA
- Instituto Nacional de Administração e Gestão – INAG
- Instituto Superior de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais – ISCEE
- Instituto de Ensino Superior Isidoro Graça – IESIG
Portuguese Faculty