Pablo Larreátegui Plaza

Pablo Larreátegui Plaza
Adjunct Professor of Spanish
Adjunct Professor
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Department: RGSLL
Dr. Pablo Larreátegui Plaza (Ecuador, 1978) received his Ph.D. (Dr. Phil.) in Latin-American Studies (Lateinamerikanistik) from
the Lateinamerika-Insitut of the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), and his Master on Cultural Studies, mention on Hispano-American Literature at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador). His research focuses on transnational literatures, writing-picture relations
(ekphrasis), Ecuadorian literature of the late 20th and 21st Centuries, Latin-American modernity, and postmodernity. Before teaching at the Columbia College of Arts & Sciences, Dr. Larreátegui taught courses on Latin American Culture and Literatures at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Spanish at the VHS Bamberg-Stadt (Germany) and Academic Writing at the Universidad de las Américas
He is the author of La poética de lo flotante de Leonardo Valencia: conectividad
mediadora, desvíos y visualización de lo menor (2022) and Entre la memoria y el olvido.
Literaturas y postmodernidad en América Latina (2013), and has published articles in Czech
Republic, in the Associazione di Ispanistas Italianos -AISPI- in Italy, and Ecuador.