Yvonne Captain

Yvonne Captain
Associate Professor of Latin American Literature & Film and International Affairs
Professor Captain teaches courses related to Latin America and International Affairs at George Washington University. She is an expert on the African Diaspora, and South-South relations, particularly between Latin America and Africa. As a cultural and intellectual historian, Professor Captain considers the ways in which the past informs the present. This includes the whole of Latin American letters and with specific emphasis on the thought processes of the most gifted writers and thinkers of Afro-Latin America. Her latest project examines African surnames in the Americas and is a multi-year, collaborative effort with colleagues in Brazil and Colombia. The project now forms part of the Black Digital Public Humanities Project: https://sites.lib.jmu.edu/mappingbdph/. Professor Captain’s book “Diaspora Agency in the Name: African American Since Day One” is under consideration. For her endeavors, the Institute for Humane Studies (ihs.org) provided her with a grant to conduct archival research in Santurce (Cangrejos) Puerto Rico, and she was a year-long Visiting Researcher in the Department of African American Studies at Georgetown University. She publishes, interviews, and lectures widely on the subjects of South-South relations, and the African Diaspora. Professor Captain received her Ph. D. from Stanford University and holds a Master of International Policy and Practice (M.I.P.P.) at the university
Other, Selected Publications
“Lessons Learned from A Seasoned Professor as Shared with Diversity Officers at PWIs” in “Disrupt the ‘Not Telling’ Gatekeeping Issues on The Way to Tenure and Promotion for Black Womxn at HBCUs, MSIs, and PWIs” accepted for publication in Oxford University Press. January 2025
“Possible Ways to Catch an Enslaver: Three Hundred Years Later,” article in progress
"International Organization (IO) Theory and Online Afro-Latin America" in Afro-Digital Connections: Afro-Latino and Afro-Descendant Cultural Production in the Digital Age. Eduard Arriaga and Andrés Villar, eds.; University of Florida Press. 2021: 96-118
“Side Gigs of the Literati: Humanitarianism at Its Best”. Revista Internacional de Cooperación y
Desarrollo. No. 7.1. enero-junio 2020: 62-8. DOI:10.21500/23825014.4731
Other Distinctions
The Yvonne Captain Faculty Award for Outstanding Contributions to International Education (phibetadelta.org)
Keynote Addresses at colloquia related to the celebration of 100 years since the birth of Manuel Zapata Olivella “Possible Ways to Catch an Enslaver: Three Hundred Years Later,” article in progress
Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University, Archival Travel to Santurce, Puerto Rico, March 29-April 5, 2023
Visiting Researcher, 2022-2023 academic year Department of African American Studies, Georgetown University
Keynote Addresses at colloquia related to the celebration of 100 years since the birth of Manuel Zapata Olivella: http://zapataolivella.univalle.edu.co/
SPAN 3420: "The Essayistic Tradition in Latin America"
SPAN 3430: "Afro-Latin America in the Diaspora"
SPAN 3440: “Caribbean Literature and Culture”
SPAN 3520: "Latin American Colonial Literature"
SPAN 4600: “Myth and Mythmaking in Latin America (Special Topics)
SPAN 4700: "Film as Text in Latin America"